Monday, December 3, 2012

What Does Christmas Mean to You?

Christmas is....

Following Christ's Example



Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
What Shall We Give to Christ?

Jesus Christ

Web Site about the Savior

Using the teachings and testimonies of apostles and prophets, affirms our faith in the Son of God and the need for all to come unto Him. Much of the information for this Web site comes from a special issue of the Church magazines

Some Riverton 1st Ward Sisters Answer to Christmas is...

*Having Family Around
*Making time to get together with friends
*Remembering the real reason we celebrate this season
*Wonderful Uplifting Music
  ~Pam Ellis

*A feeling of peace, love, joy, and the Savior
*A time when happiness is at it greatest, as we are constantly being reminded of our Savior and His birth
*A time to serve and share testimonies
 ~Janelle Clark

 ~Sherri Zirker

*A break from everyday life so that we can focus on what's really important, oru families, neighbors, friends, and of course the Savior, Jesus Christ

*A time to evaluate my place in the world and how I am helping the kingdom grow

*Getting family together
*Thinking more about the birth of Jesus Christ
*Peaceful feeling in our home
*12 days of Christmas
*Greater desire to serve

*Focusing on Christ
*Asking Spirit who needs you
*New traditions - new beginnings
*Peacefulness amid the chaos

*Feeling of an abundance of love

*Love, the true love of Christ, a time for celebrating the birth of the Savior
*A time for thinking of others - especially those who need to be thought of.
*A time for family, and enjoying being with them
*A time for showing our feelings about the Savior through cards, gifts, visits, etc.
*A time of joy and happiness for the knowledge we have of God, our Eternal Father & for His son Jesus Christ the Savior of the world
*I am overjoyed with this great feeling, thank you Heavenly Father, thank you Jesus